miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

my final blogging session

Today is my final blogging session, so, I'm going to talk about this all new experience to me, that it was blogging. Sometimes I enjoy it, but others, I did hate it!... This big difference because some blogs were too boring and I didn't want to write because were about things that I don't really care, but, some others blogs were really easy to write, it were abouts things that I like, or what I'd like to do in the future. I think that is easier for me to write about things that I'm interested in, than things that I have to write about as an obligation, for example, write about my future, If you asks me...Did it help me? yes, I must say that write in english is a big help to improve the way in what I expres myself in this languaje, and at the same time is a big opportunity to learn new words when we try to say something. I learnt new expresions and I think that I improve the way I talk. I think, at the same time I win confidence to give my opinions in english.
From other point of view, I think that the blogging sessions, could be a little bit motivating write about thigs that I love, like music, song, movies, things that make us expand when we write. Things that make our minds fly away and this way, have a space for learn and enjoy at the same time. I’d like to upload songs or things that I like and do the excersice of traslate it into spanish.
Talking about blogging in english classes, I think that sometimes It was not much time to do it, so we wrote so fast and just to be able to go at home, after a big day at the university, so I think that It was a big disadvantage, but for the other side, some blogs, we could finish it at home, so it was flexible in this aspect, but just sometimes. I guess that it's all for now. =)

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