jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Home births are good for mothers but riskier for babies, says study

Hi classmates, today I’m going to talk about a delivery in your own home.

The US study found that women who choose a home birth tend to be in good health despite an increased risk of death for their babies.

for some women having a good birth means delivering in the peace and familiarity of their own home

in Europe and US the birth in home are on the rise… The researchers were pulled together data from studies in the US and in Europe, including two from the UK. They considered a total of 342,056 planned home births and 207,551 planned hospital births.

… Yet women who choose a home birth tend to be in good health and their babies are less often premature or of low birthweight. "It is especially striking as women planning home births were of similar and often lower obstetric risk than those planning hospital births,"

other specialists are in disagreement with this, because the risk is much more than the benefits

the pregnancy and delivery are physiological process, but… why in some countries this process is attend as illness?? I think that in this time biomedical attention is predominant, for this reason the birth is a intervened process; is more fast, confortable, and easier for health profesional too….. I don’t say is wrong but the birth at home is a good idea, when the baby and pregnancy have not risks.

Provide adequate information to mothers is essential for them to decide and choose the best option for the new child that is coming.

After all it is YOUR birth, and let you know about the proceeds and cons of a home birth may make that you take a good desicion.

“planned home births for low-risk women are a viable option"

After all it is YOUR birth and give the proceeds and cons of a home birth may make a good desicion.


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“planned home births for low-risk women are a viable option”


1 comentario:

  1. Hi Caro!!! wow!!! I really love your topyc!!! I think that the humanized delivery is a very good option for physiological pregnancies, but not for pathological ones, because thouse needs more special care.

    See you then!!

