miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

A physiological reaction: stress

many of us have been stressed.....Stress is something we all have to deal with at different times in our lives. Our bodies are designed to feel stress and to react to it. It is impossible to avoid stress or events that may cause stress..... so What is stress?
Stress is your reaction to any change that requires you to adjust or respond. Because stress comes from how you respond you can learn to control it.
Stress can be caused by anything that requires you to adjust to a change in your environment. Your body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. We all have our own ways of coping with change, so the causes of stress can be different for each person.

many of us have been stressed, IS INEVITABLE!! for example before a certamen or anything that cause me stress, my body's reaction whit stomach ache, or I feel very nervous, I feel angry, irritable, impatient I dont know why..... what I do?
give me some space take some time every day doing something you enjoy and not thinking about anything else.
well, dear classmates count to 10 before exploding in furious is a good idea too jajajajaj I do it frecuently :)

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Home births are good for mothers but riskier for babies, says study

Hi classmates, today I’m going to talk about a delivery in your own home.

The US study found that women who choose a home birth tend to be in good health despite an increased risk of death for their babies.

for some women having a good birth means delivering in the peace and familiarity of their own home

in Europe and US the birth in home are on the rise… The researchers were pulled together data from studies in the US and in Europe, including two from the UK. They considered a total of 342,056 planned home births and 207,551 planned hospital births.

… Yet women who choose a home birth tend to be in good health and their babies are less often premature or of low birthweight. "It is especially striking as women planning home births were of similar and often lower obstetric risk than those planning hospital births,"

other specialists are in disagreement with this, because the risk is much more than the benefits

the pregnancy and delivery are physiological process, but… why in some countries this process is attend as illness?? I think that in this time biomedical attention is predominant, for this reason the birth is a intervened process; is more fast, confortable, and easier for health profesional too….. I don’t say is wrong but the birth at home is a good idea, when the baby and pregnancy have not risks.

Provide adequate information to mothers is essential for them to decide and choose the best option for the new child that is coming.

After all it is YOUR birth, and let you know about the proceeds and cons of a home birth may make that you take a good desicion.

“planned home births for low-risk women are a viable option"

After all it is YOUR birth and give the proceeds and cons of a home birth may make a good desicion.


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“planned home births for low-risk women are a viable option”


miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

what is your plan B?

Hi classmates, today I’m going to write my first blog of this semester. In this opportunity I’m going to talk about film that the last Saturday I saw in the cinema, the original name of the film is “the back-up plan” or in Spanish: “Plan B”, film directed by Alan Poul. A romantic comedy where Jlo is a principal character Zoe, she’s a single woman who after to have a lot of boyfriends, decided be single mother and she used artificial insemination for to fulfill one of her dreams… be mother.

The film’s name is plan B because the plan A of Zoe was to find the ideal man, but the ideal man doesn’t appears.
She meets the man of her life, the same day that she knows the positives results of their pregnancy test. In this moment starts the problem for them. She loves him, and he loves her too.

When she goes to the doctor for her first ultrasound, he says that she is a multiple pregnant woman!! She doesn’t mother of one baby, she will have two babies
Plan B isn’t my favorite movie but I recommend it because is funny and special for you to have a relax moment and entertainment whit your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, or your family. This movie breaks the logical order of the life. First Zoe decided to have babies, after she meets the man of her dreams and finally they get married.
Well, and you what would you do?

Awaiting for your comments and your opinions…see you soon

kisses for all

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

my final blogging session

Today is my final blogging session, so, I'm going to talk about this all new experience to me, that it was blogging. Sometimes I enjoy it, but others, I did hate it!... This big difference because some blogs were too boring and I didn't want to write because were about things that I don't really care, but, some others blogs were really easy to write, it were abouts things that I like, or what I'd like to do in the future. I think that is easier for me to write about things that I'm interested in, than things that I have to write about as an obligation, for example, write about my future, If you asks me...Did it help me? yes, I must say that write in english is a big help to improve the way in what I expres myself in this languaje, and at the same time is a big opportunity to learn new words when we try to say something. I learnt new expresions and I think that I improve the way I talk. I think, at the same time I win confidence to give my opinions in english.
From other point of view, I think that the blogging sessions, could be a little bit motivating write about thigs that I love, like music, song, movies, things that make us expand when we write. Things that make our minds fly away and this way, have a space for learn and enjoy at the same time. I’d like to upload songs or things that I like and do the excersice of traslate it into spanish.
Talking about blogging in english classes, I think that sometimes It was not much time to do it, so we wrote so fast and just to be able to go at home, after a big day at the university, so I think that It was a big disadvantage, but for the other side, some blogs, we could finish it at home, so it was flexible in this aspect, but just sometimes. I guess that it's all for now. =)

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

**A colombian singer**

Hi everybody, today I’m going to talk about a colombian Singer, her name’s Shakira Isabel mebarak ripoll. She born
in February 2, Barranquilla Colombia in 1977.

Shakira wrote her first song entitled “tus gafas oscuras” when she was eight years old. She emerged as a musical prodigy in the music scene of Latin America in the early 1990s.

Shakira was invited to perform at Chile's Viña del Mar International Song Festival in February 1993. The festival gave aspiring Latin American singers a chance to perform their songs, and the winner was then chosen by a panel of judges.
In 1995 shakira founded the “pies descalzos” fundation. During her career, Shakira has performed at a large number of benefit concerts.
Gradually grew as an artist, spreading their musical creations arround the world. She worked with different artists, like beyonce, Miguel bose, alejandro sanz between other.

Finally I can tell you that shakira makes a lot of songs in different lenguages like english, spanish and Portuguese for example. She won a lot of premiers during her career as singer, and she participated in a lot of events related to children at risk, it’s important remember that shakira is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and is one of their global representatives.

Shakira is a one of my favourite singer, because she not only sings, she is an exellent person, she’s songwriter too, also dances, moves her hips very well, she is a integral artist.
This year Shakira collaborated with the South African group Freshlyground to perform the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa "Waka Waka ". A lot of people dancing this song in different places of the world!!!
Well classmates, if Chile win to Spain, in football play of Friday, I think that everybody have to dance “waka waka”

WAKA WAKA eh eh!! ….. because this AFRICA!(8)
Kisses for all; See you soon!!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

***life is beautiful*** an exellent movie

Hiii everybody! Today I'm going to talk about an interesting and beautiful film, the name of film is LIFE IS BEAUTIFULL one of my favorite films, I like it so much.
it’s a Italian movie that shows one moment of humanity history with a lot of suffering, pain and die,it is based on the second world war.
it tells how an Italian Jew, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni, also director and co-writer of the film), invents a kind of romance as opposed to the terrible world around them both to him and his son. In the development of film Guido and Dora have a romance, but happiness doesn’t last long, and more lately, he with his uncle and his son (Joshua has 5 years, was a kid) are deported to a Nazi concentration camp. Guido makes up a game in which people have to play, get grumpy hide of the German guards. The father's imagination makes Joshua live the Holocaust of a different way.
I won’t tell you the end of the story, but I'll tell that this film was winner of over 40 international awards including three Oscar awards.
When the film finished I cry so much, because the end was unexpected, I was surprised, and felt a combination of feelings that made me think deeply about life, for this reasons this film is one of my favorites films….after all, life is beautiful….
It's a beautiful film!! It’s the best, very good, to those who haven't seen this movie, I recommended too, and those who saw, tell me what did you think….
awaiting for your coments and your opinions…see you soon

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

prevent is better than cure! **

hiii classmates !! Today I going to talk about the importance of the prevent and the importance of the role's midwife in the education for the community the prevent is one of role’s midwifery more interesting and very important in public health, and in this career because this professional is in direct contact with people, for this reason is important make health programs, community conversation, implement sexuaelity workshop and implement talks in schools and primary attention in health center.

Give informations for community is very important for prevent different diseases because this help for empowered to people and make to take your own decision…the best decision accord your needs. For example the use of condon is very important for prevent sexual diseases like HIV, and a lot of infections that affect to women and men…helping prevent an unwanted pregnancy too.

also treat the diseases is more expensive that prevent. the cost of diseases are higher than cost of prevention.
During the pregnancy process the women are more susceptible to development any infection, if that is no controlled the women can suffer in the future a lot of complications that can affect her health and the baby.

The midwife is a confident for the women in a lot of cases and is because of this that our role in education is very important, especially for maintain and improve the health of the women and her family and community.

Always we have to remember “prevention is better than cure”

See you soon !!! bye! =)

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Gender differences

Hiiii today im going to talk about gender differences…. In our country this topic is very important because the discrimination between women and men is a strong problem yet. Both, men and women have to be situated in equality, because each people in Chile should have the same rights. Actually the discrimination and gender inequality in chile Is a topic that is in development and still have things to do for improve it.
In the past my career was exclusive for women, the men didn´t study Obstetrics . But, in this time the men have been incorporated in the profession. Before, men were disturbed by their environment because in this profession we work in straight relation with women's intimity. The change of perception has been reflected in the preference that some women shows for the attention that make men, they are softer and worried than midwifes women.
Well this is my perception of the situation in my country, I hope that this differences related to gender will decrease at the time goes by.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

my future as midwife

Hi! this week I´m going to talk about my professional future, I’m student of second year of midwifery.
In the future I hope to be a excellent midwife and face up any problem and difficulty with intelligence and strength. I decided study obstetrics because I love babies and help to people, especially women……

In the future I would like to work in neonatology for save a lot of babies that need intensive cares, also I want help all the mothers and their families in this hard process.

When I finish my career I think work in the neonatology sector of the "Hospital clinico de la Universidad de Chile." because the babies are my passion, I know I would need a lot of time for studying and get the Knowledge and skills for work in there, but with effort and hard work I know I will become in a good professional.
So I would like travel and know different cultures for understand how each society see the process of delivery… a beautiful process for the family.

I will waiting for your opinions and your comments because this subject is very important in our profession, our drams and hopes have to focus on the people and all the comunity. I will see you soon good!! Byeeeee!!!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

midwifery lover

hi everybody!, today I will talk about , my favourite website related with the best profession in the world of health and cares of women and babies.
in this website it has published an article about benefits of the natural childbirth, this article is a study realised in our country.
a pioneering work in South America threw that near 80% of the women that a has a normal childbirth it obsteins a safe bond with his son, a 20% more than conceiven by cesarean improving the expectations of health of babies.
another article says that a previous test to the PAP would reduce the risks of having breast cancer, this information is very important because in Chile the main cause of death in adult women is due to this desease.
this siteweb contain much present information, very interesting, endorsed by the school of matrons of chile, it is access for all people interested in the news of the present time; for this reasons I invited to you that you see www.colegiodematronasdechile.cl

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010


Hi everybody!! This day I`m going to talk about the past earthquake.
My experience with the earthquake was terrifying, because I was sleeping when it began.at first I didn't know what to do because it was so unexpected. The earthquake began at three with thirty four minutes in the morning, I woke up quickly and ran to the bedroom of my youngest brother, when I entered to his room, he said “calm down, we’ll be all right”, then I went downstairs and with all my family went out to the street. The light turns off and I thought “it`s the end of the world”. I started to cry, but my parents were so quite and that situation calm me down.
This was my experience with the earthquake…..

everything about me

Hi everyone, this day I`m going to talk about me. My name is Carolina Hernandez and I`m studying Obstetrics in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile because I want to be a midwife. I decided study this because I love the babies and help people, especially women. I did this blog for share opinions and talk about my life, I hope you like it. Thank you and I`ll see you soon!!!! Byeeee…